
Coronavirus: How do you protect yourself from it?

Coronavirus: How do you protect yourself from it?

9 Steps To Protect You From Contracting With MERS-CoV

1- Avoid close contact with anyone with symptoms of colds or flu.

2- The use of napkins when coughing or sneezing both inside and outside the home to avoid spreading the infection.

3- Make sure your hands are clean with soap and water for at least 40 seconds.

4- Use sterile such as alcohol when necessary.

5- Hygiene work inside the house and the surrounding area, using the tools for each response within the family. 

6. Do not travel while a person has flu symptoms.

7- Stay at home and avoid mixing with others and good ventilation inside the room.

8- The need to be exposed to the sun as much as possible to help kill bacteria and eliminate the virus.

Avoid dealing directly with animals without using prevention methods. 
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